Creative Cynchronicity is all about celebrating the joy, fun, and creativity in every day! And what’s a celebration without sharing it with your friends?
You can reach me at: [email protected]
So, here on my blog, I feature ideas for:
- yummy family fare that will wow them but won’t leave you too exhausted to eat it
- quick and easy crafts for the busy crafter….or lazy crafter…take your pick
- fun and affordable family activities to delight young and old
- creative celebrations for occasions big and small that will have your friends and family convinced you’re Martha Stewart but that won’t require you hiring her staff to carry them out
Ideas for Holidays and Seasons
- much much more!
I grew up on a combination of down-home Southern cooking and rustic French Canadian fare.
Many many days were spent standing on a stool beside my mom or one of my grandmothers learning to cook the family favorites from scratch, recipes being passed down from one generation to the next usually only by word of mouth.
My family is a unique balance of left-brained scientists and right-brained creative types.
My father and I shared a great love of the outdoors and my sense of adventure and need to wander and explore come from him. He also was a very talented artist, photographer, amateur archaeologist, and singer in a barbershop quartet. In his spare time, he loved doing needlepoint too!
My mom and I love to spend time crafting together.
From quilting to embroidery, paper crafting, sewing, pottery and more, there’s pretty much no form of arts and crafts that my Mom doesn’t excel at. She always has such a unique way of looking at projects and bringing her own stamp to them and I spent many hours of my childhood sitting beside her absorbing as much of her flair for the creative as I could. My family has made me who I am and now I share that with all of you.
We are a family of educators and life-long learners.
I was a classroom teacher. So is my sister, daughter, and niece! The rest of the family may not have formal education as a teacher but they are involved in teaching and working with children through Scouts/Guides, church activities, summer camps, and more. The example of life-long learning has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents and my siblings all went back to school as an adult to further their educations and continue working towards their dreams.
Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, I grew up in Montreal and London, Ontario.
I currently live in London but spend a lot of time in Arkansas, where I attended university and where much of my family now lives. Sidelined from a classroom teaching job by a serious car accident, I now spend my days blogging and providing social media management for others.
I have an amazing daughter named Samantha who is married to a wonderful man, Graham.
And I am now a proud Meemaw to Walter, my first grandchild. He is the light of my life and soon to be joined by a sibling in November 2019! We’ll have a 2 year old and a newborn in the house. Bring on the happy noise!
Our family includes an adorable 4-legged member too!
Sadly, my sweet Trinity, our German Shepherd passed away but we still have our adorable cat named Hocus Pocus. We’re looking around for just the right dog(s) to add to the household because we really miss having a dog around.
As for Hopo, we rescued her as a stray who had been living on the streets, likely since birth. Her fat belly shows just how well she has taken to the cushy life of an indoor cat but she’s still a bit skittish when it comes to loud sounds, having been hit by a car during her early days.
You can keep up with my adventures and misadventures (I’m a bit of a klutz) on my various social media channels here: