Well, we’re starting the week off with 3 of the 4 of us ill. Not sure if it’s one of those “winter turning into spring” colds or some other virus, but bleh. The little one is recovering quite quickly while my daughter and I are taking it a bit easier. I’m prone to having these things settle into my lungs and become pneumonia, so I’m definitely erring on the side of caution and staying in bed.
Hopefully, we’re getting this out of the way so we can enjoy next week. This week ends with my birthday (and we’re supposed to be heading to Michigan to celebrate), then there’s St. Patrick’s Day (not a big celebration for us, but we definitely have some Irish comfort food), and next week is also spring break. I’m planning to get a LOT of spring cleaning done so when the good weather really hits (consistently – we have had a few nice days), I’m ready to enjoy it!
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of March 9
Instant Pot Mongolian Beef, rice
5 Ingredient Turkey and Sweet Potato Skillet with broccoli
Chicken Parmesan Meatballs and Spaghetti, Caesar salad, garlic bread
French Canadian Tourtiere (meat pie), green beans, carrots
MEATLESS: Baked tofu nuggets, baked French fries (I wash but don’t peel the potatoes. Cut into strips. Dip in a beaten egg white and place on a baking tray. You can sprinkle on some seasonings now or just after they come out of the oven if desired. Bake at 425 degrees for about 25 minutes or until tender on the inside, crispy on the outside), coleslaw
It’s my birthday so we’re eating out! This could be a good night to eat some leftovers from the past few days too. Or how about making it a simple soup and sandwich meal?
What are you having for dinner this week?
For More Meal Planning Ideas:
Looking for some super quick and easy meals? Check out these delicious 15 minute main dish recipes.
Save time and effort with 20 Easy Meals Using Rotisserie Chicken
Here’s a full 30 days worth of quick, easy, and inexpensive main dish ideas here.
Remember that if you’re looking for new plans or perhaps aren’t that fond of the ideas in the current plan, you can simply go through the archives for my previous meal plans.
And check out more meal plan ideas over on Menu Plan Monday at Orgjunkie.com
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