When my daughter was little, my dad got it in his head that he really wanted to have big family Easter egg hunts in his backyard. It was actually pretty cute. He always went along with our holiday fun, but didn’t tend to be the one organizing things. Yet, here he was taking care of the Easter egg hunt and turning it into a fun family tradition.
Since he’s been gone, I’ve been wanting to revive the tradition. Last year, my son in law had to have an emergency appendectomy and Easter didn’t really happen around our house. So, I had been planning the big family Easter egg hunt for this year. Obviously, that isn’t happening but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some Easter fun.

Have a Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
There are a couple different ways we could do this. I’ve heard of neighborhoods that are doing social distancing hunts. The idea is that they’re looking for pictures of Easter eggs hanging in people’s windows and on their front doors as they go out for their daily walks. Some are even recording their finds with their cell phone cameras.
This sounds like fun, but many places are going into full lockdown or at the very least, discouraging people from going out for walks because there are so many who aren’t following the rules of social/physical distancing. Plus, I want my family to be able to take part in the hunt and we all live in different cities/countries.
My plan is this. We’re going to color some Easter egg pictures and hang some in our front window. We live on a busy street and have several people walking past our house on their way to their essential services jobs. We’ve been trying to add encouraging messages and pictures up for them.
Then, we’re going to “hide” some eggs around the house. We take a lot of pictures of my grandson with a few selfies thrown in pretty much every day. We’ll stick some of our colored eggs into the pictures and encourage family members to look for them. You know, it will be kind of like Where’s Waldo, only with eggs.

I’m hoping some of them will take part too and then we can still have a family Easter egg hunt that crosses thousands of miles and two countries – all while we’re all staying safely at home! If you want to have your own virtual egg hunt, or just some decorations to hang up in your windows, check below for the free printable coloring pages.

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