Here we are again at the beginning of another new week, new month, and new meal plan. For Menu Plan Monday, I always begin by thinking ahead to what kind of week I’m going to have. We don’t have a lot scheduled for this week which is quite the relief after a busy Easter weekend. My Easter began on Thursday evening with me not making it to Holy Thursday and the Last Supper service. I wasn’t feeling too well and ended up going to bed early. Of course, first, I managed to find a nail sticking up out of the floor – with my toe. Sigh. That meant that Good Friday morning was spent at Urgent Care getting a tetanus shot. Yay me!
I did go to the afternoon Passion service at church, followed by Stations of the Cross. Easter is the most important time of the year for me and my faith so I was happy to make it there! Saturday we spent in a place I fondly refer to as one of my happy places. Sparta, Ontario. It’s a small town that’s about 200 years old. It was settled originally by Quakers and still retains much of its original buildings and charm. We had lunch (traditional English roast beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding at our favourite tearoom), visited with the Easter bunny, and browsed through Anything Used/Sparta Country Candles, Gift, and Antique shop. Sunday was dinner with my family, hosted at my nephew’s house. Of course, spending time with the family and getting some quality time with the kids always makes for a fun time. All in all a lovely weekend!
Your guide to the meals in my menu plans:
FF = Freezer Friendly
SC = Slow Cooker
MF = Meat Free
Menu Plan Monday Week of April 2
Grilled Lamb Lollipops with Garlic Herb Rub Marinade (FF) (these are a favorite for my daughter and me), Macaroni and Cheese (FF) (a side dish for me, a main dish for my son in law since he doesn’t eat lamb), peas, corn, noodles (for my daughter who doesn’t eat mac and cheese). Whew. Our meals aren’t usually so complicated but it is still the Easter Monday holiday for us!
Porcupine meatballs (FF) (a new favorite!). Roasted potatoes. Carrots.
Lemonade chicken (FF) (make extra for Friday). Baked sweet potatoes. Grilled asparagus. Corn.
Make your own mini pizzas (FF) (we just got a big batch of Little Caesar pizza kits from a fundraiser – the crusts in these kits is AMAZING), tossed salad. (MF unless you choose to add meat to the pizza).
Chicken salad sandwiches, raw veggies and dip, pickles, chips.
Super Simple Saturday: Zero points Weight Watchers Freestyle Chili Recipe (based on my mom’s world famous chili recipe), my sister’s cornbread recipe (not quite as Weight Watchers friendly)
Red Wine Rosemary Garlic Butter Rub Marinated Sirloin Tip Roast. Mashed potatoes. Carrots. Roasted Brussels sprouts.
Looking for some super quick and easy meals? Check out these delicious 15 minute main dish recipes.
Here’s a full 30 days worth of quick, easy, and inexpensive main dish ideas here.
You can find more of my menu plans here.
And check out more meal plan ideas over on Menu Plan Monday at
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