Disclosure: I received a digital copy of the book Motherhood by JC Little to review. This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase from the link, Creative Cynchronicity receives a small commission at no extra cost to you.
I first met JC Little, the Animated Woman at Blissdom Canada but it wasn’t until the BConnected Conference that I had the great pleasure of hearing her speak. I’ve enjoyed her work for a while but wow – when she presented her latest book, Motherhood, to us….well, she had me in tears.
They were those oh-my-gosh-you-just-reached-right-into-my-heart-and-soul tears.Sure, I’ve read other books about motherhood and found some truths in them that I would guess are universal to all mothers but this!

Motherhood by JC Little Book Review
This amazingly simple yet beautiful and poignant book just tugged right at my parenting heartstrings as if she had written this book just for me.
At every baby shower I have attended, someone presents the mother-to-be with a copy of Robert Munsch’s “Love You Forever”. It’s a standard for every parent.
Well as much as I love that book, I have to say that this book deserves a spot right there on the shelf beside it. Every Mom, every child, every Mom-to-be, every person who has ever felt maternal love for another being NEEDS to read this book.
As a soon to be empty nester myself with a daughter who’s getting married in a few weeks and then moving to the UK in a few months, I can tell you that it summed up exactly how I’m feeling right now.
It perfectly captures that moment of pure unconditional love that a mother experiences when she gives birth to her child, that moment of heart-bursting pride when her child begins to grow and walk and run and dance, and that bittersweet moment of happy-sadness when the time comes for her child to go out on their own.
I always felt that this quote, “Making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” (Elizabeth Stone) summed up just how I felt about my role as a mother.
With Motherhood, JC Little perfectly captures that sentiment, that bond between mother and child in a way that no one else could. This is the perfect gift not only for Mother’s Day but as a baby shower or new baby gift too.
The Animated Woman says
Dear sweet lovely Cyn, when you can up to me at the BConnectedConf and told me that your daughter was soon leaving for the UK, my heart ached. It reminded me that I moved away to the UK myself once upon a time, and what my own mom must have felt…This is precisely the emotion I was trying to capture in my drawings.
Thank-you for sharing your experience and your feelings in your review of this little picture-book. You are a part of the story!