Ahhh summertime! Time to relax outside, enjoying the sunshine and……oh but wait! I don’t know about you but where I live we’ve had days and days of rain. Just when the kids are finally out of school, it has rained pretty much every day, making those cries of “Moooooooooooooom, I’m boooooooooooooooored!” come even faster. So, what can you do to keep the kids entertained despite rainy summer weather? How about some summer fun bingo?
Link to a Google Doc copy of the bingo board
If there’s one thing my daughter always loved, it was bingo games. When I was little, my mom kept an “activity jar” filled with slips of paper. Each one had ideas for activities to keep me busy. This is a take on that. You can choose how you want to use this bingo board. Perhaps for each row or every 2 side by side boxes your child completes, they get something small – a Kinder Surprise Egg would work well here! You could work on this as a family and once the whole board is filled, perhaps a special outing is in order. Whatever way you choose to use it, it’s sure to provide inspiration for some fun activities to while away a rainy day stuck inside.
I have two other summertime bingo boards here you might want to have a look at. There’s one especially for those of you in the London, Ontario area and another that works for anyone in any area but has more outdoor type activities on it.
paula schuck says
OH I love how creative you are. Pinning this idea!!