You can take simple supplies from your local dollar store and make a super quick and easy craft for the 4th of July. This trio of patriotic clothespin stars is easy to make in about half an hour.
You can use these to decorate a mantel or tiered tray. Or use as a gift tag or place card. You could even string them together to make a banner!

Materials needed:

- Clothespins, Wooden Spring-Style
- Acrylic Craft Paint – Red, White, Blue
- Buttons, 1” in diameter
- Craft Felt – Red, White, Blue (Note: You can also use colored cardstock or craft foam instead of felt)
- Natural Jute Twine
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks – You can use liquid craft glue for this project, but you will have to wait for it to dry.
- Marker
- Paintbrush
- Pinking Shears or Scissors
- Clothespin star pattern

Gather all supplies. Count out 5 clothespins for each star. You can also make a 6-pointed star. Five will give you a traditional star shape and six will give you a snowflake star shape.

Remove the metal spring from five wooden clothespins, so that you have 10 wooden clothespin halves.

Line up five clothespins, each in a V shape on your work surface. Attach the wooden clothespin pieces together at the tapered end with a glue gun and glue sticks, using the photo as a template. These will become the points of the star.

Dry fit the five V shapes into a star pattern on your work surface. Use the photo as a guide, or the pattern provided. Attach the two horizontal points to the top point using a glue gun and glue sticks. Hold the points together until the glue has completely cooled. Then glue the two bottom points, holding the joints until the glue has cooled completely.

Paint the front and all sides of the first clothespin star with red acrylic craft paint.

Next, paint the second star with white acrylic craft paint.

Finally, paint the third star with blue acrylic craft paint. Let dry completely, and apply a second coat, if necessary.

Select three buttons that are 1” in diameter. If you cannot find the correct size buttons in the correct color, then paint them with acrylic craft paint. Let dry completely, and apply a second coat, if necessary.

Download, print, and cut out the CLOTHESPIN STAR PATTERNS. Trace the circle pattern onto red, white, and blue craft felt with a marker. Carefully cut out the circles using pinking shears for fabric. Cut inside the traced lines for a clean, finished project.

Layer the red, white, and blue felt circles in the center of the stars with a glue gun and glue sticks. Then glue the button to the center of the felt circle. Mix and match the colors, so each star has a red, white, and blue element.

To finish the Clothespin Stars, tie three bows with natural jute twine, trimming any long ends with scissors. Attach each bow to the center of each button with a glue gun and glue sticks. You can also use baker’s twine, string, or ribbon if you do not have twine on hand.

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