Do you still have some names left on your holiday shopping list? Well, have no fear! Some blogging friends and I have teamed up to provide you with fantastic gift ideas for pretty much everyone on your list. As you can see, mine is a holiday gift guide for the empty nester, but if you scroll down to the bottom of this post, you’ll be taken to more guides for the Crazy Cat Lady, Teenage Guys and Girls, Crafters, Newlyweds, Pet Lovers, Stationery Lovers, Kids with Autism, Gifts for Hanukkah and the Best White Elephant Gifts. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway for your chance to win a Target gift card!
I’m officially an empty nester. Oh I guess I was kind of one before but my daughter was only a couple hours away at university so I saw her pretty often. Now that she’s living in the UK – well let’s just say it got real around here! So, my life has changed a bit and in the next few years, it’s going to change some more. I have plans to downsize and move to the beach. I have plans to travel more. I have plans to try out some new hobbies and activities. With that in mind, I put together this empty nester gift list. (Note – this post contains affiliate links)
I bought myself this Black & Decker 4 in 1 a few months ago and I am using it ALL THE TIME. I had gone shopping for a grill but when I found this, it seemed like an even better choice. You see, it’s a grill AND a waffle maker AND a panini press AND a griddle. Because I’m downsizing, I’ve started giving up the appliances that I don’t use often but I have to say, I was really missing the waffle maker. I mean, I didn’t use it often but when you want waffles, you want waffles right? And I had been wanting a panini press but didn’t want to add something else to my kitchen storage. This is ONE machine that does all of that. It has interchangeable plates that turn it into those 4 different purposes easily and quickly. The plates go right into your dishwasher and it works like a dream. All of that for only $29.99!
Black and Decker WG1041WC 4-in-1 Waffle Sandwich Grill Griddle
I’m starting to get colder more easily. Sigh, I guess it’s a “thing” with getting older because I remember both of my grandmothers being the same way. When I’m sitting around reading or watching TV, it’s not convenient to wrap up in a big bulky quilt or comforter, so this heated throw is just the ticket. It’s machine washable, made of super soft and cozy microplush, and it automatically responds to body or room temperature changes. For safety, it has an auto-off feature as well. $49.99
Sunbeam Microplush Throw Camelot Cuddler Electric Heated Warming Blanket, Walnut Brown
I love my Kindle. I’m a bookaholic and my book collection used to take up massive amounts of space in my house. I still buy some “hard copies” of books that I love the most but for the rest, my Kindle e-reader is ideal. And of course, it’s great for travelling too! This one features no screen glare in bright sunlight, it’s lightweight, the battery lasts for weeks, and it has a built in light. One of the best features for me is that I can adjust the size of the text (another fun side effect of aging – I need larger print). $139.00
Kindle Paperwhite, 6″ High-Resolution Display (212 ppi) with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi
I have some empty nester friends who are having a tough time with this whole experience. The kids are gone and their lives have drastically changed and they’re not quite sure what to do about it. The inspirational and encouraging stories in this book could be very helpful and appreciated by those who haven’t quite adjusted to the empty nest. $12.30 paperback
$8.89 Kindle version
I mentioned the idea of new hobbies and activities. This can be a great time in life to pursue things you didn’t have time for when the kids were still around. Not only that, but new hobbies can be a great way to take your mind off things and stay busy instead. This terrarium is a really good option for someone like me. I can’t maintain a garden – I travel too much and there’s too much wildlife in my area but I miss having plant life around. Fill this with succulents and I have an easy indoor garden that suits my life. $40.00
I have more time and that allows me to notice things around me that I previously didn’t. There are a bunch of birds who visit my backyard and I have to say, I find it quite relaxing to take a few minutes out of my day to observe them. A pretty birdfeeder would look good in my yard and encourage them to keep coming back. $16.78
Perky-Pet Copper Panorama Bird Feeder 312C
I took up felting a few years ago and I find it a really relaxing craft to do. It’s probably a new one for many crafters too, making it another idea way of working on a new hobby. Makes 4 needle-felted canvases and has lots of tips and ideas for inspiration. $17.94
I have been wanting a digital photo frame for ages now. This of course goes back to the whole saving space and downsizing idea but it’s also a great way for the kids to stay in touch. Sending photos on a regular basis that can be added to the frame is an idea that’s sure to please. Calendar & clock features, Auto on/off feature, Light Sensor $34.99
ViewSonic 8-Inch Digital Photo Frame (VFD820-70)
A $100 Southwest Airlines is a lovely gift for the empty nester. They can use it to travel (something I best is on most empty nester’s bucket lists) or to visit their kids who have moved away.
Southwest Airlines Gift Card $100
This fits in with the whole travel idea too but I also think it’s just a great gift idea for pretty much anyone! I’ve had my card cloned a couple times in the past so I want as much protection for my important cards and documents as I can get. These RFID blocking protective sleeves work for a variety of cards (driver’s license, credit cards, and so on) as well as passports. US government approved $14.95
Credit Card & Passport Holders Case Set W/anti-theft Rfid Blocking Capabilities for Security
I just love these clear teapots and the “flowering tea” that you use with them. Of course, they work just fine for regular tea as well but watching the flowering tea as it slowly unfolds and “blooms” is an experience in itself. Plus, the ones I’ve had taste really good! Each of the flowers can be safely used 3 times in a 24 hour period to make up to 15 cups of tea. The glass kettle is stovetop, microwave, and dishwasher safe. $27.95
Primula 40-Ounce Glass Teapot with Infuser and Lid with 12 Flowering Teas in a Canister
A Fitbit is another gift that I think is a fantastic choice for pretty much anyone. But certainly, as you start getting older, you start thinking a little more about healthy living and you may start to find your sleep habits changing. This tracks your steps, active minutes, how long and well you sleep, and more. $94.99
Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband, Black
The younger members of our family are always encouraging the older ones to write down their memories so that they can be preserved for future generations to come. And as we get older, we love to reminisce and share stories about our past. This is a quick, fun, and easy guide to writing a personal memoir in only 30 days. I have my dad’s memoirs and let me tell you, they are a treasured possession of mine! This book gives step by step techniques and helps you figure out how to get the whole thing going. $12.33 Paperback
$12.30 Kindle version
Sometimes aging means that it’s harder for us to take part in the pastimes we’ve always loved because it’s harder to see the small details. These lamps provide improved light and a large magnifier in one. The flexible neck makes it easy to adjust to your needs. $64.98
Mighty Bright LED Floor Light and Magnifier
I never thought I wanted a Keurig. It seemed like something I really wouldn’t use that often and it would just take up space on my kitchen counter. Well, I currently have custody of my daughter’s Keurig while she’s away and I use it all the time. The fact that I can make a cup at a time is perfect for my empty nest lifestyle. I can make coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and more! This one includes a 6 count K-cup variety pack, it makes 6,8, or 10 ounce cups, and it brews in under 2 minutes. $109.99
Keurig K10 MINI Plus Brewing System, Black
Be sure to enter for your chance to win:
And be sure to check out all the other great gift guides linked below:
Laura @ Housewife Hellraiser says
These are such great ideas! I love my Keurig; bet you’ll love yours too! I would take that needle felting kit in a heartbeat, and I’m not even close to being an empty nester, haha! Great list.