I’ve been working hard. Really hard. The other day I asked one of my clients a question about something we were working on and he said, “Oh don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of that. I hate to ask you to work on a Sunday.” My thought? It’s Sunday??? That’s when I realized I’ve been working 7 days a week and at least 12 hours a day for……well, for so long that I can’t even remember how long! So I saw Brandi’s Christmas Break Bucket List over on Mama Knows it All and decide to make myself a little Christmas holidays bucket list here of things I want to between Christmas and Epiphany to help me focus on the season and on myself a little bit more.
Sing Christmas songs – even if only here and only by myself, The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear. DONE!
Bake some shortbread cookies. Eat some shortbread cookies. DONE!
Go to a movie – Into the Woods is calling my name.
Decorate a Christmas tree for the birds. – DONE!
Put out a Nativity Tray. – DONE!
Go see the latest exhibit at the art museum.
Go to the New Year’s Eve vigil Mass at church.
Have tourtiere and Italian Christmas cake. Light a candle to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. – DONE!
Take one day with absolutely NO WORK. Snuggle in bed. Drink hot cocoa from a Santa mug. Have a Christmas movie marathon of my favourites, starting with Miracle on 34th Street (the original) and White Christmas. – DONE!
Go to the park to see the Christmas lights.
Make some crafts with the kids.
Buy myself some chocolate covered cherries and eat them in memory of my dad. – DONE!
Make my bed up in Christmassy linens. Dream of being in a snow covered cabin. – DONE!
Sleep with the Christmas lights on. – DONE!
Wear Christmas socks. – DONE!
Skype with my daughter and son-in-law. – DONE!
Go to Disney Live.
Count my blessings. – DONE AND DONE AND DONE!
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