Okay, I’m going to be honest here. It’s been a long time since I had a date night. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know a great date night when I see one! My preference is simple but meaningful. I don’t need to be whisked off to a fancy restaurant in a limousine (let me clarify – I do love fine dining but it’s not a requirement for date night and the only times I’ve ever been in a limo were for funerals so they just bring back sad memories). No, my favourite date night ideas are simple, inexpensive, and fun. Oh and be sure to stick around to the end of the post because I have a giveaway for you!
I think the three keys to a good date night are: 1) Paying attention to the other person. Listen more than you talk. Ask questions and show that you are interested in what they have to say. 2) By paying attention you can get clues about what they might be most meaningful to them in terms of date night activities. If she asks you about your favourite book, you can assume that she is probably an avid reader herself. Take her to the bookstore and show her your favourite book in person. 3) Don’t be afraid to change directions. Took him to a movie that turned out to be a dud. Walk out and go somewhere more interesting! Just because your plans included A, B, and C, doesn’t mean you can’t pivot and go for D instead.
Date Night Ideas
Okay, I already mentioned this one. The bookstore. Find one that has a little cafe or something in it so you can sit down and chat over a cup of coffee or tea after browsing the books. You can learn a lot about a person by the books they choose.
Dinner and a movie. That’s an old standby for a reason. It can be a good one especially for an introvert like me. It gives us time to chat but then some quiet time while we watch the movie. Consider some variations on this – attend an outdoor movie showing and bring along a picnic, for example. Or reverse it – go to an early showing and follow it with dinner so you can chat about the movie. It’s a great conversation starter.
Sporting events. This can be hit or miss. Honestly, I’m not much of a basketball fan but with the right company and some fun conversation during the game, I can still enjoy going to a game now and then. But if your date is really anti-sports, this can turn into a dud of a date. It’s probably a good idea to find out ahead of time if they’re interested. Or have a backup plan.
Attend some sort of event neither of you have ever been to before. The opera? Horse races? Bird watching meet-up? Going into something completely new to both of you can be fun and enlightening. And, if you don’t like it, you can always duck out early.
Go for a walk. Whoa. Really? It’s date night and I’m suggesting you go for a walk??? Yawn. Getting out for some fresh air can make for a lovely date and you’ll have plenty of time to chat with each other. To make it a little more interesting, pick a route that’s new to you or find an interesting nature trail. You never know what you might find. If you want to make it more “date like”, head out to an ice cream parlour after. Alternate idea – go on a bike ride together.
Visit a flea market, artisan market, or antiquing. This was one of my favourite dates ever. We headed out to a giant farmers’/flea market and had a fantastic idea wandering around. Again, lots of opportunities to talk and it can give you some clues about your date’s personality. What kinds of items are they drawn to the most?
Go on a boat ride. As long as neither of you get seasick, boat rides can be really romantic. And maybe you can find a really fun destination to head to!
Head to an amusement park. Even if you’re not crazy about the rides, there are so many other things to do at most amusement parks. Shows, restaurants, and more – there’s bound to be something for almost everyone.
Take in the latest exhibit at the art museum. Quiet atmosphere, subdued lighting – it’s unexpectedly romantic at many art museums. Discuss your favourite (and least favourite) pieces and head to the cafe to continue the conversation.
Find a food festival to attend. There’s bound to be foods that both of you like there to choose from and there’s often entertainment provided as well. It can be a fun way to learn more about your local area as well.
Go to the beach. I’m pretty much always down for the beach, even in the off season. There’s something special about having a beach all to yourselves on a chilly autumn day. If you can find one that allows you to build a campfire to warm up around after, all the better!
Take a class together. Learn to cook a new dish or create a piece of art. It’s fun to share a new experience together.
Attend a lecture. Once again, this can prove to be an interesting conversation starter for post-lecture coffee, even if the conversation is all about how boring the lecture was!
Go apple picking. Or strawberry picking. Then go home and bake a pie together.
Take dance lessons together. Is there anything more romantic than dancing together? Not for me!
Go bowling. Bowling sounds so cheesy to most people but I find that once they’re at the bowling alley, they start having a great time, even if just for the nostalgia of it all. Bowling just isn’t your thing? How about miniature golf?
Go to a wine tasting. Or tea tasting. Or bourbon tasting. Whatever strikes your fancy.
Attend your local bar’s karaoke night or trivia night. Work together as a team and build that relationship!
Go to a planetarium. Or just lie outside under the stars together. Bonus points for a night where some major astronomical event is happening, like a meteor shower for example.
Do some volunteer work together. It can be a very bonding experience.
Stay home and watch some Netflix together. You could make it a regular weekly date to cuddle up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and the next episode of your favourite Netflix binge.
Challenge each other to a video game showdown. A little competition can be good, right?
Head to the park and feed the ducks. Quiet moments like this can be the most meaningful.
Take your dogs to the dog park. Love me, love my dog, right?
Send your date on a treasure hunt. Leave them clues and either give them a little something at each stop or one big prize at the end. Bonus points for sending them to locations they’ve never seen before but would be really interested in (a local jazz club, a piece of public art, a tiny little park in the middle of the city etc).
Now of course, before any of these date night ideas, we have to get ready for the date in the first place. Sigh. I have a confession to make. I have friends who tell me it takes them a couple hours to prepare for a date. Yikes! I feel like I must have missed a page in the “Going on a Date” handbook because it doesn’t take me nearly that long but here are some of my must do items:
Use Nair™ WAX READY-STRIPS for Bikini & Underarm with Nourishing Coconut Milk Oil: no warming or rubbing required, just peel and place! The new medium size strip is perfect for the bikini area. I also like to use Nair products for my legs and because I’m a “mature woman”, I use the facial formula for not only my eyebrows but my chin and upper lip area too.
Batiste™ Dry Shampoo Original: Not enough time to wash your hair? Batiste Dry Shampoo helps to eliminate excess oil, instantly refreshing your hair! Or if you’re like me, if I wash my hair, then I have to dry my hair and that takes FOREVER with my incredibly thick hair and ain’t nobody got time for that.
Pulled your favourite date night outfit out of the closet and it has a stain on it? Use OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover to make it look fresh and lovely once again.
Now that I’ve shared a few of my favourite Church and Dwight products, you’ll be happy to know I’m giving away a selection of their products, including:
Trojan™ Groove™ Condoms
Nair™ WAX READY-STRIPS for Bikini & Underarm with Nourishing Coconut Milk Oil
OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover
Batiste™ Dry Shampoo Original
RUB™ A535 Anti-Inflammatory
Vitafusion Men’s and Women’s Multivitamins
Approximate value: $70 CDN
Terms and conditions: Void where prohibited. Open to Canadian residents age 18 and over only. Quebec excluded. Must answer skill testing question to claim prize. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Please ensure that [email protected] is white flagged so the email doesn’t end up in your spam folder.
Enter in the giveaway form below.
M james says
Maybe just buying coffee’s to go and going for a walk through a nice nature park
Juliee Fitze says
A quiet meal at home with just the two of us.
zcb257 says
We’re boring. Dinner and a movie works just fine for us 🙂
Rhonda W G. says
In the summertime I like going on a picnic somewhere scenic and just hanging together into the evening…It’s my favorite time of year.
Doris Humber says
dinner and a movie
Glogirl says
My favourite date night idea is to go to the beach, walk barefoot in the sand and enjoy the setting sun.
Amy Heffernan says
I enjoy dinner and a movie with my hubby!
Tara Betterley says
Sitting at home with my hubby watching tv or a movie.. The electronics are put away.. Very nice..
Brenda Lacourciere says
Going out for dinner is my favorite. Its the only way I get a break from the kitchen.
ivy pluchinsky says
In summertime going for ice cream and a walk!
Maryanne says
Order dinner in and a good movie.
kathy downey says
My favourite date night is a dinner at home soft music,conversation and a few dances!
Yuen C says
I like to cook food together with my partner
Florence Cochrane says
I like to dress and go out to eat occasionally for a date night.
Lisa bolduc says
We love going to dinner and then the bingo
Melinda says
Dinner out!
s powell says
dinner and movie
Jonnie says
I love to go to karaoke for date night. It’s always a fun time!
Judy Cowan says
We keep thing simple, favourite is to make a nice dinner together, go for a walk and cuddle up to watch a movie.
Leslie C says
I like Amusement parks or taking dogs for a walk!
Julie bolduc says
I like just to be alone with my man that means NO KIDS lol
Robyn Bellefleur says
I like going out for a nice dinner then a movie.
Jana Liu says
go on a treasure hunt. we love exploring new places and geocaching is similar to treasure hunting
dave says
Coffee in the backyard with no electronics.
Courtney says
We love to go out for dinner and then to play pool!
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says
I am good with dinner and a movie
Jenny Major says
dinner and a movie
Maria says
Love nice meal , going for a walk and then just relaxing
Tina L. says
Dinner and movie
HEIDI C. says
Surprise your partner with a date that you have pre-planned out for you to enjoy.
We like to go out for a movie then dinner
lori butler says
mine is going and being a tourist together
Karla Sceviour says
I like a simple dinner out ,or maybe a nice walk together,talking and holding hands.
Erica Seaman says
Going out for dinner and a little drive around to just talk and be together.
Heidi P says
Take a class together. Learn to cook a new dish or create a piece of art. It’s fun to share a new experience together.
Krista M says
Pizza, beer, and bowling is a date night I think is fun and easy-going!
Amy C says
I like dinner and a movie