Y’all, I just love Halloween. There is just something so fun about being able to dress up as someone else for the day. And, of course, having an excuse to indulge in my favourite candies is okay by me too. But I think my absolute favourite thing about Halloween is the movies. No, not the really gory horror movies – I’m not really into those. I love suspense like in Stranger Things (one of my newest Netflix favourites!) and I love silliness like in Ghostbusters 2.
If you’re looking for some Halloween television and movie fun, look no further than on Netflix. They have enough titles to get you through the entire spooky season with something new for every day. A few of these are just for you (and maybe your teens) – Vampire Diaries and Stranger Things for example (I know grown women who have been spooked by this one – it seems to hit right about episode 4!) but there are a ton on this list that you can enjoy with your whole family.
And while you’re enjoying an evening of Netflix viewing with the kids, you can be on the lookout for some great costume ideas too!
What are you watching on Netflix this October?
I am an avid Netflix fan and a proud member of the #StreamTeam. I love partnering with them to bring you my Netflix faves and fun.
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