In recent years, it has become common for people to pick their “word” for the year – a sort of focus to keep in mind as the year goes on. The process by which I chose mine was an interesting one. The word faith kept going through my mind but I couldn’t decide for sure whether to use it or not. Then I got together with a good friend to exchange Christmas gifts and opened up this one from him. That cinched it.
Each year, I make a piece of art with that word on it, so that I can place it in my studio where I will see it frequently and can remind myself of it. I left this one very simple and basic so that I could add some images to it as the year goes on. The past few months or so have been a bit stressful in terms of my health issues flaring up, financial issues, and having some people in my life letting me down.
One of the things I’ve been doing is trying to clear out my physical space because I feel that will lighten the load in my mind as well. I’ve been going through many many boxes that are in storage and trying to purge as many items as possible. On Sunday, while going through one of the boxes, I came across this stone. I didn’t even remember having it and yet here it was, reminding me of my word. I chose the word partly as a reminder to have faith – faith in God, faith in myself, faith in my loved ones, faith in my abilities, faith in the future. I’ve placed the stone on my bedside table and over the past few days, when I’ve been a little anxious about things, I’ve picked it up and used it somewhat as a worry stone, rubbing the cool smooth stone and letting the tension fade away.
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