We’ve had a big dumping of snow here in London, Ontario – about 17 inches in a 24 hour period. Now, I’m not really a fan of snow (why yes, that is a HUGE understatement) but our dog Trinity LOVES the stuff. It really does help on those bleak snowy days to see her galloping and prancing and leaping through the snow in the backyard, happy as can be. She loves to go out there and do doggie snow angels, she loves to just plop down and have a little rest in a pile of snow, and most of all, she loves to just shove her face right into it. Today she came in the house and had snow right up to her ears because of it! She kept blinking and blinking because she had a big piece of snow in her eye!!! Silly girl!
Woof Wednesday
Filed Under: INSPIRE, Pets, Photography, Woof Wednesday
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