Let’s face it. If you’re not heading out trick-or-treating on Halloween night, you’re going to be the one answering the doorbell over and over and over again. It’s like a workout. Up, down, up, down, back and forth to the door. Whew! Then there are the lulls in between all those kids in adorable (and scary!) costumes – I mean you just HAVE to keep yourself occupied, am I right? Wouldn’t want you to get out of shape during those down times so Netflix has come up with a great little pause and effect workout for your thumbs as you watch and then pause and then watch again some great shows. They’ve done all the work for you of figuring out which shows to watch during peak doorbell ringing time – you want them to be the lighter, fast and fun shows that you can jump right back into. Save shows like Stranger Things for later in the night when you’re sure all the little ones are at home in their beds. After all, you don’t want the flow of spooky suspense ruined by some sweet little princess at your door looking for candy!
When it comes to Halloween treats, why should the kids get all the fun? I mean, you have to replenish your energy reserve somehow after all that Olympic level door answering. So why not get right into the spirit of the occasion and serve up some macabre Stranger Things inspired dishes. If the show hasn’t sufficiently creeped you out enough, these foods certainly will. You can get started with some French Onion Barb, followed by some for dessert. Yum!
Perhaps you’d prefer my Walking Dead inspired “Feet Loaf”:
What will you be watching on Netflix on Halloween night?
I am an avid Netflix fan and a proud member of the #StreamTeam. I love partnering with them to bring you my Netflix faves and fun.
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