Oh. My. Gosh. Don’t these look amazing? I sooooo wish I could eat these (allergic to strawberries so I can’t – pardon me while I cry in the corner for a moment) because they just look like such a decadent treat! Best of all, you can still enjoy this treat and not stray from your Weight Watcher’s eating plan. How awesome is that? I know at the holidays it’s so easy to feel deprived when you’re trying to follow a healthier eating plan and this is a good way around that.
Mary from Just Plum Crazy says that when she thinks of Valentine’s Day she thinks of wine, chocolate and strawberries. It’s strawberry time again right now in Florida and what better way for Mary and her husband to celebrate Valentine’s Day (and their 20th anniversary) than with these wine soaked chocolate covered strawberries that still fit into her Weight Watcher’s plan. Find out more and get the recipe at Just Plum Crazy!
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