We woke up with great intentions of getting a few things done and heading off to breakfast but once we saw the Twitter feed talking about the line-up outside the venue, we decided that it would be best to get over there and stake out our spot in the line. When we arrived there at 12:15 pm for the 4 pm show, there was already quite a line – but we hadn’t seen anything yet. Eventually, the line wrapped all the way around the building and they even had to open the doors open and let part of the crowd in so that they could make more room outside! Now you might think that it would be horrible to be in a line for that long but for the most part, (other than a few inconsiderate types trying to butt in line ahead of others), the mood was friendly and jovial and much laughter was heard.
Photos I took of my view while in line!
The show began with W. Brett Wilson of Dragon’s Den fame. Brett’s basic theme was about the importance of entrepreneurs and the main thing I took away from it was his brilliant suggestion that we should be teaching entrepreneurship in conjunction with philanthropy in school. He spoke of how we want our children to be independent and how we want them to give back to the world and what better way than to teach them about entrepreneurship and philanthropy?
Next up was Jessica Holmes, a comedian and motivational speaker known for being a part of Royal Canadian Air Farce who acted as MC for the day. Jessica was hilarious and entertaining – you simply MUST see her Celine Dion and Liza Minelli routines.
@SheriSalata (Oprah’s executive producer) came out to meet and greet us while we waited outside the convention center. As you can see it was somewhat breezy (and sunny and warm and cool and overcast and occasionally the tiniest bit rainy!).
Following these two openers were Oprah’s guests for the show: Deepak Chopra, Bishop TD Jakes, Tony Robbins, and Iyanla Vanzant. They all brought messages of positivity and love. It was so inspiring to hear them and there were many “aha” moments in what they had to say.
Nuggets of wisdom I gleaned from these speakers:
“You are not just a drop in the ocean; you are also the ocean in the drop.” Deepak Chopra
“Inspiration means to be in spirit.” Deepak Chopra
“When I tell people to listen to God speaking to them, sometimes they ask, well how do I know it’s God’s voice I’m hearing and I tell them, who else would be talking in your head?” Iyanla Vanzant
“Your vision will adjust to the level of the deficiency present.” “We often make our own deficiencies.” Iyanla Vanzant
“What saved me was the vision that was inside of me and when I was still, it unfolded.” Iyanla Vanzant
“Be obedient to the small still voice inside. Be obedient. Be still and listen” Iyanla Vanzant
“I am, not I’ll try. AFFIRM your vision.” Iyanla Vanzant (channeling Yoda)
“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” Tony Robbins
“To change your life, change your story.” Tony Robbins
“Three steps for your vision: 1) Develop a strategy 2) To change your life, change your story. 3) You need to be in the right state. Your story/blueprint and your state affect and guide your decisions.” Tony Robbins
“When you are faced with a difficult situation, STOP. S- Stop what you are doing. T – Take 3 breaths. O – Observe your body and how it feels and is reacting. P – Proceed with kindness.” Iyanla Vanzant
Next up: Lifeclass!
createalways says
sounds like a great experience, glad you’re making the most of it 🙂