Once these motivational speakers were finished, it was time for the actual Oprah Lifeclass show to begin, going out live all over the world. The theme of the evening Lifeclass was forgiveness.
Me on the left with my friend Margarita (@downshiftingPOS) on the right about to go in for the show!
The main sound bites I found for myself in this were:
When you forgive, your heart opens and you begin to see a different possibility.
You cannot change the past; instead of asking what if, ask what now.
Holding onto resentment is like holding onto your breath – you suffocate.
Unforgiveness unchecked is a cancer of the soul and like a cancer, it spreads.
If you hold onto a grudge because someone wronged you, they got whatever it is they received in the moment from you and they got your future too. If you’re holding onto a grudge, it is really holding onto you.
Until you heal the wounds of the past, you will continue to bleed into the future.
Carrying resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Oprah asked us to consider if there was anyone we needed to forgive. Were we holding onto any resentment that we needed to release so we could move on? The personal examples from previous shows, audience members who had been brought in to share their stories, and those participating via Skype were powerful and had me reflecting on forgiveness within my own life.
What about you? What were the nuggets of wisdom you took away from this?
[…] http://cynchronicity.wordpress.com/2012/04/18/oprahs-lifeclass-the-tour-live-in-toronto-part-three/ […]