Can you believe it? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the stores and such but we’re having spring like weather with mild temperatures and sunshine so it sure doesn’t feel like it. This weekend though really kicks off the Christmas season for me. Tonight is the first festive holiday party of the season, tomorrow night a concert given by my daughter’s university choir (she has a solo! so proud!), and Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.
Flickr, Affiliate
If you have any little ones around who are getting excited for Christmas (I hear many were pretty thrilled to see Santa in the Macy’s parade yesterday!), these links might interest you (note: some of these may pertain only to those living in Canada):
Santa’s address: SANTA CLAUS
CANADA (Is it true that American children can no longer send Santa letters to the American North Pole address?)
Did you know he’s on Twitter too?
AND you can email him!
Flickr, Joe Shabotnik
His Youtube channel:
Get a personalized email from Santa:
Have Santa call your child:
Or your child can call Santa and give him their wishlist:
Flickr, MrDoS
And one of my all time favourites (my daughter and I still watch this every Christmas Eve), when Dec. 24th rolls around, the Norad Santa tracker will be activated and you can watch as Santa makes his trip around the world. Warning: when my daughter was younger, one year we were watching it and it showed that Santa was right in our area and it was only about 9 pm on Christmas Eve!!! This wasn’t a problem for us given our Santa customs but a friend of ours was doing the same and suddenly had to scramble to explain why it said that Santa had already been there but they had no gifts under their tree from him yet!
Edit: I just came across this site too: It has a story you can read/listen to about Santa as well as a “naughty/nice rating” where you can enter the child’s name and a personalized letter will appear to them.
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