For the following Christmas trees, I used some compressed cardboard cones that I had on hand. You could certainly use styrofoam cones or make your own cones out of cardboard for this instead. For the first one, I simply hot glued pompoms all over the cone. I ran out of pompoms but once I buy some more I’d like to fill in some more of the tree with some smaller ones.
For the next tree, I made little ruffled pieces out of felt. To do this I cut circles out of a few colours of felt. The cone I am using here is 7 inches tall and the circles I cut out were 1 3/4 inches in diameter. You can, of course, adjust this if you are using a bigger or smaller cone or would like the ruffles a different size. Take each circle and fold in half and then in half again (so that it looks like a pie wedge that’s 1/4 the size of the circle). Use a dab of glue to secure the folded part and then use glue to secure each “ruffle” to the cone. I used hot glue for this project. A good white glue like Aleene’s Tacky Glue would certainly work well too but I was too impatient to allow for any drying time.
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