In the past few weeks over on In the Studio with Maria (Creative EdVentures), we have been going a little mummy mad! It all began actually with Andrea Currie discussing themes for upcoming Craft-tastic Live shows ( and some of the ideas that came up were mummies, zombies, and dogs. Well, Maria was inspired and decided to make a mummy dog with a zombie mask! From there, it was suggested that we all try to come up with some mummies and have a month long mummy challenge.
Maria came up with some great mummy ideas didn’t she?
Here’s Jerry’s contribution…an amazing mummy quilt!
Amanda made this great mummy eyeball wreath – she was one of our challenge winners!
Here’s a link to her tutorial for how to make one of your own:
Here are CIndy’s wonderful mummy projects! She was the other challenge winner!
And finally, here are my contributions. I saw some fabric that I had Koolaid dyed lying around. It was in strips because I had been tearing it up and using the strips for water bottle bracelets. When I saw the torn strips it made me think of mummies and then I became inspired by my daughter. Her favourite colour is purple and she’s really been liking bling on art projects lately – hence the tiara and rhinestones. I used a paper mache skull form from Michaels and just wound the fabric strips around it, securing with Aleenes Tacky Glue. The tiara and rhinestones are all from the dollar store – the rhinestones were sold as a sticker set for “blinging’ up your cell phone.
For this project, I took a clear acrylic frame and covered it with cheesecloth (the idea was given later that I could have tea-dyed the cheesecloth for an aged look – love it!). I found this chain with eyeballs attached at the dollar store and glued that on but you could also use big googly eyes or ping pong balls with eyes painted on (which is all that these are) if you don’t find something similar. Quick and easy and it has a little opening in it for a photo of a trick or treater!
Here are some links to some other mummy projects:
Barbie gets mummified.
Clay pot mummies
Mummy treat holders
Mummy spoons
Movable mummies
Mummy treat cups
A mummy candy holder
Mummy heads
A meatloaf made into a mummy for a cute Halloween dinner idea
Mummy cupcakes
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