Last year I attended SoFabCon 2013 and it was an amazing experience. I learned so much, received so much motivation and inspiration, and came home energized and ready to take my blog to the next level. More than that, I knew I was better prepared as a CL to help the members of the Canadian SoFab Community and that I had found some lifelong friends and mentors.
Here are my posts from last year’s conference:
As you’ll see in my video, I chose to speak from my heart about my love for SoFab and Collective Bias and just how valuable last year’s conference was for me. I’m a better blogger, a better leader, a better social media manager, and just a better person because of everything I gained from SoFabCon 2013 and I know that this year’s conference will be even better! This post is my entry for the SoFabCon 2014 contest to win a sponsorship to the conference – fingers crossed! If you’re looking for a fantastic blog conference experience, you really should check out the website and learn more about SoFabCon!
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