It’s hard to believe that 2015 is coming to an end. How are you planning to ring in 2016? If you are planning to imbibe a little bit, then I have some ideas that might help you the next day.
My Tips for How to Get Over a Hangover
Minimizing a hangover starts before you even begin drinking. Make sure you have plenty of sleep and plenty of water beforehand. Often, hangover symptoms may be more because of dehydration and lack of sleep than the effects of the alcohol itself.
Speaking of water, coconut water might be your best choice. Not only will it replace lost fluids but important nutrients and electrolytes as well.
When you wake up the next day, it’s a good idea to pop a few pain relievers but be sure to take them with food to avoid stomach upset. ibuprofen is your safest bet. Especially in conjunction with alcohol in your system, aspirin increases your chances of ulcers and acetaminophen increases your chances of liver damage.
It’s tempting to stay in bed all day but a little movement can really help. Try some easy gentle stretches to get the blood flowing without straining yourself. This can help decrease the pain and increase your energy.
Don’t overdo the movement though. Your body needs rest to recover.
A little juice first thing in the morning can help. Alcohol makes your blood sugar drop and that drop can last for 12 hours. Have some juice for a fast blood sugar boost. To keep your blood sugar from dropping again, add in some protein. Peanut butter or cheese are simple sources.
Soothe your strained throat by gargling with warm salt water for 5 seconds.
Some people swear by eating some kind of fatty food before heading out for a few drinks. The theory is that the fat “lines your stomach” and slows down the absorption of alcohol. It’s hard to say if this actually works but almost any kind of food you eat prior to drinking will help by giving your body an electrolyte boost.
What’s your best tip for getting over a hangover?
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