When mid-afternoon hits, many people find themselves feeling sluggish, fighting to stay alert and just feeling exhausted. This is the perfect sign that it’s time make a change. There are some generally simple and affordable ways to beat the burnout and get that spring back in your step, naturally. In fact, you can skip the energy drinks or extra cups of coffee. They aren’t necessary for the boost and might just ultimately make things worse. Get your energy in a natural and inexpensive ways with these healthy ways to boost your energy.
Lighten your Load
Being overworked is one of the main reasons for fatigue. Overloading yourself with family, professional and social obligations can cause extreme exhaustion. The best way to control this, is to ensure that you streamline your to do list. Prioritize the most important task and get rid of those that aren’t. Consider asking for extra help at work if you can. If you can afford it, don’t hesitate to hire help and delegate.
Control your Stress
Stress can be a huge cause of exhaustion. Take the time out to join a support group, see a therapist or even just speak with a friend. All these things can help to reduce your stress levels. Additionally, you can participate in natural stress reducing activities like yoga, meditation or tai chi. You can find my tips for meditation, (even when you think you can’t), here. Drinking chamomile tea and diffusing some lavender essential oil can also help you destress.
Pay Attention to your Sleep
Make sure that you are getting the appropriate amount of sleep. Too little rest can cause you to be weary but so can too much. It is important to monitor yourself and make sure that you are only getting as much sleep as you need. A power nap in the afternoon can also be just the pick-me-up you need to tackle the rest of your day. Make it a habit to unplug at least 1 hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with your body’s normal circadian rhythms and signal that it should be staying awake. Create a relaxing bedtime routine that will instead tell your body to prepare for sleep.
Getting the right amount of exercise almost guarantees that you will get a better night’s sleep. Not only that but exercising causes your body to release natural chemicals that in good amounts can make you regain some energy. Aerobic activities can be a great way to start your day while yoga and stretching might be just the perfect thing for you in the evening.
Drink Lots of Water
If your body is dehydrated, one of the initial signs presents itself as fatigue. Make sure that you are getting enough water every day and avoid the sugary energy drinks. Hydration is key for a healthy, happy, energized body. If you’re like me and get tired of the taste of water quickly, try adding some fresh fruits or vegetables to it. Some of my favourites are cucumber, lemon, and raspberries.
Eat Healthy
Eat smaller snacks and meals every few hours instead of three large meals a day. This can help to reduce fatigue because you are supplying your body steadily with nutrients. Choose healthy and light foods, that provide a balance of vitamins and nutrients, avoid overeating and never skip breakfast.
There are many healthy and natural ways to boost your energy reserves. You don’t have to go through each day feeling sluggish and tired. Take it one step at a time and make some simple changes to leave the fatigue behind.
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