One of the things I have learned over the years of finding great bargains was to take note of what items to purchase when. If you know when to buy certain items, you can definitely save quite a bit of money.
Obviously throughout the year, there will be items that are put on sale at seemingly random times, but there are also consistent bargains to be had year after year at the same time.

Here’s what to buy in September:
Many of the deals in September are based on back to school. By the time Labour Day rolls around, most if not all schools are in session and the rush to stock up on school supplies is coming to an end. That’s when many of these items go on sale, often at deep discounts.

Things to Stock Up on in September:
School supplies –
Now you might think, why would I stock up on school supplies now? My kids are already outfitted for the school year and I don’t need to buy any more. Are you sure about that? Think back to previous school years. Were there things that your kids needed to have replenished in January? My daughter often had lost half of her markers by then (or at least the lids so they were all dried out) and usually needed a couple new notebooks.
Items like coloured pencils and markers also make great stocking stuffers and Easter basket fillers. Look at the school supplies a little differently and anticipate what you might need later on during the year or what you could use as fun little gifts and stock up while the prices are dirt cheap. (Seriously, three ring binder paper for 10 cents a pack? You won’t see that again until the next back to school promotion).
Pro Tip: Hide these extra school supplies away only to be brought out when absolutely needed. If I let my daughter know there was a backup set of markers around, she somehow would have managed to go through both sets before Christmas.

End of summer items –
I need new cushions for my outdoor chairs but never could quite bring myself to buy any given the fact that they were $65 each and up. Now that summer is ending, retailers are looking to clear out their summer items and this is the time for me to try scoring on a smoking deal on those cushions (I’ve seen them for $15 each in the past week!).
Need to replace your BBQ? Lawn furniture? Camping equipment? Lawnmower? All marked down right now. If you’re planning to buy your kids new bikes, those are on sale now too! Pro Tip: It’s a good time to install ceiling fans too – they help on your energy bills all year round and are often put on sale in September with the other “summer” items.
Last season’s clothing –
The end of a season is always the perfect time to look for bargain basement pricing on clothing. Of course, in September it will be summer clothing that’s on sale. If you wear consistent sizes and your weight doesn’t fluctuate a lot, you could stock up on some basic pieces. You might want to avoid anything too trendy though (although I’m not big on trends and just buy what I love and what suits me). And be sure to look at the racks with fresh eyes. There are often pieces of clothing that can still be used in winter if you layer them.
Pro Tip: Have a look at bathing suits. It’s a great time to buy them and it’s always good to have bathing suits for the whole family (ones that fit!) on hand all year round in case of vacations to warmer climates or even just hotels with indoor pools. It seems like I’m always hearing of people who need new suits for themselves or their kids in the middle of summer and can’t find any by then!

Cars –
New models are coming out and last year’s models are being reduced. This can be a good time to go looking for a great deal on a new car.
Pro Tip: Do your research ahead of time. Don’t just assume that you are getting a good deal because of the time of year it is. Dealers will generally still try to make all the profit they can.
Garden Supplies –
I don’t know about you but I hate working on the lawn and garden during the heat of summer. Fall is an ideal time to plant new perennials, trees, and shrubs and because it’s the “off-season”, they are generally quite a bit cheaper.
Pro Tip: You can plant almost anything in the fall but consult a gardening guide for your zone to be sure before you plant.

Computer Equipment –
Because of back to school time, this is a prime time for purchasing new computer equipment and stores often respond with sales.
Pro Tip: Again, do your research and make sure you are truly getting a deal. The discounts are often deeper just after Christmas and if you can wait, you will reap the benefits.

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