Ok so when I started Mitzvah Day it was going to be on December 1st each year. AND THEN life got in the way and I ended up with strep throat, an ear infection, AND pneumonia this year and there was just no way I could get a blog post up in time or get out there on December 1st to make it happen. SO since I am the supreme ruler of Creative Cynchronicity’s Mitzvah Day tradition and because I don’t believe in making yourself crazy over the holidays, I have changed the date for this year. This year I decree that Mitzvah Day will be on December 15th. Now, you might be asking, but Cyn, just what IS Mitzvah Day? It’s a little tradition I started to take one day during the holiday season and devote it to doing good deeds for others. It’s just too easy to get sucked into the craziness of the season and this often leads to stressed out, cranky people. I wanted at least one day where I focused my attention on bringing a little joy to others and I’m hoping you’ll play along. The beauty of this is that it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or time-consuming and it doesn’t have to cost a lot (or any) money. This is truly one of those “it’s the thought that counts” kind of moments.
Here are some ideas for celebrating Mitzvah Day:
1) Pay for the next person in line at the drive through or the toll booth.
2) Gather up old toys, clothes, and other items and donate them to a worthy charity in your city.
3) Make some art – paint canvases, make some ATCs or greeting cards, create some bookmarks and leave them around town for others to find.
4) Take some Christmas cards and/or even some little favors to the nearby hospital ward or seniors’ home. I know that around here they’re always looking for table favors that they can put on patients/residents’ trays when serving them holiday meals.
5) Bake some goodies and deliver them (anonymously or not) to your neighbors. You could even turn this into a similar idea to “booing” them at Halloween and encourage them to pass the joy along.
6) Choose an angel from one of the angel trees in town and fulfill their holiday wish.
7) Do some chores for a neighbor who can’t do it for themselves – maybe shovel some snow, offer to clean the leaves out of the gutters for them, or anything else you notice that needs to be done!
8) Smile. Smile. Smile. Have you ever noticed how many people walk around with sour expressions on their faces? Just being offered a friendly smile can make a difference in someone’s day.
9) Send emails or e-cards to friends and family you haven’t had the chance to talk to in a while. Just let them know that you’re thinking of them!
10) Visit some blogs and leave comments on 10 of them. Bloggers love comments. 🙂 Or share some of their posts on social media.
11) When you’ve received good customer service, take a moment to speak to the manager of the store about the person who waited on you. These reports often get noted in the personnel file.
12) Hold the door open for someone. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
13) Pick up trash by the side of the road or in your local park.
14) Make your family’s favourite meal “just because”.
15) Have a family movie night or game night. Turn off the internet, cell phones etc and just focus on each other.
What other ideas do you have for celebrating Mitzvah Day? I’d love for you to join me! I’ll put up another post on the 15th and if you decide to blog about your Mitzvah Day experience, you can link up to mine!
Paula Schuck says
Love this idea! And omg how sick you were! Glad u r feeling better.