I’m working with Best Buy to let you know about this amazing Captain Marvel Exclusive Collectible SteelBook. Yes, I have been compensated for this but my love for Captain Marvel is real.
I am a huge Marvel fan and so is my daughter. We have been all our lives. The squeals of excitement that happen around my house when a new Marvel movie is announced can probably be heard two towns over. I’m not sure that we’ve ever been more excited than we were for the announcement of Captain Marvel.
I’ll be honest. When I first heard about the movie, I wasn’t as familiar with the character of Captain Marvel as I am with others, but I was really looking forward to seeing a leading superhero character that was a strong female role model. I wasn’t disappointed. In fact, if you know me and my deep and abiding love of Robert Downey Jr., you might be surprised to hear that halfway through seeing Captain Marvel at the theater, I turned to my daughter and said, “I love her as much as I love Iron Man!”
Captain Marvel Exclusive Collectible SteelBook Available Now at Best Buy
If you haven’t seen Captain Marvel yet – well, first of all, what are you waiting for? Go buy it right now and watch it tonight! But in the meantime, to give you a taste of what it’s about, Brie Larson plays Carol Danvers. She is an Air Force pilot who in true Marvel fashion experiences a freak accident giving her alien superpowers and turning her into Captain Marvel. With Earth in danger, Captain Marvel joins up with the amazing Nick Fury (played by Samuel L Jackson) to try to save the planet.
You can bet that when I heard that there is a Captain Marvel Exclusive Collectible SteelBook available at Best Buy now, I hopped online and ordered it right away. I know that this is going to be a movie my family watches over and over again. And, the Collectible SteelBook includes custom box art that can only be found at Best Buy, making it extra special.
Captain Marvel is a movie that I think really brings an even stronger female element than ever before to the Marvel lineup. She is smart, brave, and kind. Captain Marvel is incredibly strong both physically and emotionally. She is the kind of role model I am happy to share with my family.
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