So this weekend, I’m taking part in the Biannual Blogathon Bash. Essentially, it’s the chance to get caught up on the never-ending to do list for sprucing up your blog and social media that you never seem to have time to work on. It came at a perfect time – my daughter is off to a party with her fiance so I’m going to have some uninterrupted quiet time for working on this. The best part, though, is that by doing this as part of the Blogathon Bash, I can get entered to win some fantastic prizes! Want to join in? Here’s where you sign up and get started.
Ok so here’s my TO DO list for this weekend (hold me accountable, will ya?):
- My broken link checker has been going MAD for a while now and ummm well I’ve been mostly ignoring it. So it’s time to start to fix that. I want to fix 100 (yes, there are more than 100 – sigh….it’s because of the switch over to a new blog URL) of the broken links by Monday. UMMM I’D RATHER NOT DISCUSS THIS 🙁
- Attend at least 2 of the Twitter parties to connect with my fellow Blogathon-ers DONE
- Create a blogging notebook. DONE
- Update my About Me, Blogging Policies, and Media Kit. FINISHED ALL OF THIS
- Complete 3 more of the mini challenges (besides ones related to the above) FINISHED…..ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?…..15 MORE OF THE MINI CHALLENGES!!! YEAH!
I also want to write a minimum of 4 other blog posts over the course of this weekend. No, I don’t have a life right now other than blogging and social media. 🙂 FINISHED 5
I know, I know, it sounds ambitious. And I’m probably trying to do too much. That’s how most of my to do lists go. But hey, I am GOING to give it a shot! Are you joining me?
Monica says
I like your “to do” list Cyn, lol..I really need to look at some of those tasks too. What do you use for your broken link checker? I used a plugin and it crashed my site and would love to find another but I’m a bit afraid to install it…lol
Hope you have a fun time with the Blogathon and complete many tasks.