Out with the old and in with the new! It’s time to turn away from winter blues and take a fresh deep breath into spring. Around here, this starts with spring cleaning your home.
I know, I know. Depending on where you live, you may still be having unseasonably cool weather (seriously…..it snowed here just a few days ago!). But we’ve had little snippets of spring – just enough to remind us that it really IS here and that summer really IS just around the corner.

Spring Cleaning Your Home
Even with the less-than-perfect weather, I find this the perfect time of year to put away the winter stuff, give the house a good cleaning out and get ready for summer because I sure don’t want to spend any of those beautiful sunny, warm days on housework (you’ll find me at the beach instead).
So, if you’re a spring cleaner like me, I’ve got some quick cleanup tips with a must-have giveaway for the occasion.
Tip #1: Call in for extra troops
Fighting off greasy stains, tough mildew, and stubborn odors will require an additional set of hands – so make this a family affair and grab as many helpers as you can! When it comes down to it, you’re not the only one living under the roof.
Tip #2: Take your time
Remember that while adrenaline may be rushing to get your house looking spotless, it’s wise to spread out a large project like this over the course of a few days. The season is here to stay so no need to panic! The last thing you want is an injury to welcome you into spring.

Tip #3: Map it out
Organize, organize, organize! Work from the top down, inside to outside, and keep an agenda to prioritize. Allocating rooms to each person (or doing it one at a time by yourself) will also avoid unfinished tasks. Setting this up at the beginning will make the process so much quicker and more efficient.
Tip #4: Have fun
Turn on the radio, lay out a few snacks, and don’t take it too seriously! Celebrate the season of greener grasses and sunny weather (without the sweat and sunburns).
Your family’s living space deserves only the best – after all, where else can you unwind and call it your very own home sweet home?
Vesper Meikle says
Tip – I always do one room at a time
Amy C says
Clean one room at a time. My favourite tip is Tip #2: Take your time.
melina r says
My favorite tip is to call in the extra troops to help out to clean.
Courtney says
To recruit helpers. I didn’t make the mess myself. I involve my kids. We try to make it fun
Start with small rooms first and throw on some of your favorite music. It will make the day easier and faster.
Amie E says
Dish soap works awesome on laundry stains 😀
lori b says
my fav would be having someone else do it, but i like to turn the music on that helps me keep going
Jen Rodrigues says
Clean each room 15 minutes!! Be organized!!
becky d. says
No matter what make it fun; something to look forward to not dread. Thanks great giveaway.
naiddia p says
My tip is to use vinegar to clean windows.
Erika E says
I put my dishwashing sponges in the microwave for 2 minutes every day or so to get rid of the germs.
Andrew P says
Focus on one room at a time, listen to music to help pass the time
Sunshine G says
Definitely put some music on – it makes chores so much more pleasant!
maria says
Dust-it’s very visible in sunlight.
Belinda McNabb says
when cleaning glass use newspaper instead of paper towels or a cloth. No streaking!
Karla says
I do one room a day,and make a list,and mark things off as they get completed.
Dreena says
Favourite cleaning tip: Soak stained clothes first before you wash them.
Lee-Ann says
It’s best to set small “goals” while cleaning. Never decide to do everything in one go – that’s just too hard. Instead, break it up into manageable blocks and you will find that spring cleaning doesn’t become such a chore. (pun intended!)
Anita Duvall says
For your Spring Cleaning, open up the windows and air out the house. Let some fresh air circulate before closing.
Lori Jackson says
I make a spray bottle with half water half vinegar and a dash of sunlight to get dirt and grime off my baseboards.
Tammy Dalley says
Use vinegar to eliminate fungus instead of unhealthy chlorine.
Chris Stockford says
Keep the windows washed often
Heather Poindexter says
Do a little at a time.
Cheryl says
Make a list don’t do it all at once, do your least favourite job first
Mark V. says
use a toothpaste rub on your mirrors to keep them from fogging
Bree says
Open the windows and crank the tunes! fresh air and good music make me WANT to clean!
Doris H says
My favourite tip is to do your cleaning with the windows open.
Jonnie says
My favorite cleaning tip is to start at the top of the room and work your way down.
ivy pluchinsky says
do the windows first so you can have them open while cleaning
Gene D says
put on headphones and rock out while cleaning
Glogirl says
My tip is to make your own glass/window cleaner by combining vinegar and water in a spray bottle. It works really well!
Brenda Penton says
I make a list of everything that needs to be done and check it off as I go
chris arnott says
vinegar takes off almost any dirt on any surface safely
Heidi c. says
Make a list of all the jobs to be done, assign them and then cross them off as they are completed.
Valerie Mallette says
My favourite cleaning tip is to use vinegar to clean windows and use newspaper to remove streaks.
michelle tremblett says
I heat a bowl of water in the microwave, the steam makes it really easy to wipe the stuck on food splatter 🙂
Jenn says
My tip is to do one room at a time.
Rhonda W G. says
Purge things as you clean out of the house! It’s a good time to declutter…
Carol M says
Use newspapers to dry your windows after washing.
Jenny says
clean a little bit each day
Kelley Moore says
Clean one room at a time
Angela Mitchell says
Baking soda is so helpful for getting rid of stains in the kitchen such as on the countertop, backsplash etc.
Caroline says
Always wear gloves – saves your hands and nails.
Florence C says
I do a little housework each day so nothing piles up.
Donnas says
Do one room at a time.
Maegan Morin says
My only tip is to just take it one room at a time.
Wendy hutton says
to do one room at a time from top to bottom
Kristine Ewald says
Get rid of clutter
Donna L. says
tackle one room at a time
Robyn Bellefleur says
As you are cleaning, put a pot on with a little water to boil with some cinnamon and nutmeg to make the house smell nice.
Amber Y says
My favourite tip is to Map it out. I think a plan is always in order and makes things much smoother.
Bailey Dexter says
Baby wipes! OMG they clean the baseboards fast & nice!
Julie Bolduc says
I turn the music up and open the windows and doors one room at a time
Jasmine says
Such a lovely giveaway! I really like Oxi clean products! Thumbs up! 🙂